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About the MEM Program


The School of Engineering and the School of Business at the University of Connecticut educate undergraduates who are highly valued in their respective fields. Both schools, however, have recognized that students who plan to pursue careers in manufacturing can benefit from a perspective that integrates subjects that have traditionally been available only in business programs or engineering programs. Given the level of competition in many manufacturing sectors, it is essential that firms employ people who are educationally well suited for the challenges to be faced.

In 1990, a task force composed of leaders from industry, state government and academia worked with faculty from the University of Connecticut’s School of Engineering and the School of Business to develop an innovative manufacturing education program – the Management & Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM). The MEM Program integrates business and engineering, with an emphasis on preparing students for careers with firms engaged in manufacturing at a world-class global level.

In 2007, the MEM program was accredited by ABET in two separate areas in the School of Engineering: Engineering Management and Manufacturing Engineering. The program is also accredited in the School of Business by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

MEM students graduate with a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree conferred by both the School of Engineering and the School of Business. At graduation our students are part of an elite cohort who have earned the right to hang two tassels from their mortarboards: an orange one for the School of Engineering and a pale brown one (official color name: drab) for the School of Business!